What is Yin Yoga?

Our muscles are Yang and 30% of our muscles are fascia, and this fascia is Yin.  The movement of our body uses fascia rather than muscle far more than we used to think, the fascia determines our range of movement and so you could argue working in a Yin practice will help improve your flexibility more and a yang practice will work more on strength.  

It is a very calming slow form of Yoga, where postures are held for several minutes with the support of various props, all of which are provided at The ShaktiDen where Caroline’s classes are held.

Benefits of Yin Yoga

  • Improve your Range of Movement
  • Rejuvenating 
  • Passively lengthens the muscles
  • Helps lubricate the joints
  • Can help improve Bone Density
  • Can help re-establish the natural curves of the spine

What to expect during a Yin Class

Firstly don’t worry if you have never practised Yoga before Caroline has your back!  Caroline is very used to teaching those with hip and knee issues together with common back problems and all these things can be catered for in the class, she also has vast experience of working with those with Hypermobility and finds Yin Yoga to be particularly helpful.

If you have your own mat, please do bring it along, but all equipment required during the class is provided.  You will need to wear loose comfy clothing, and if you suffer with cold feet you can even practice most of the Yin poses in your socks, unlike most other forms of Yoga.  Caroline will guide you through the practice offering alternatives where needed and helping you to use all the equipment to get the most out of your practice.  Often a short breathing practice (Pranayama) is carried out towards the end of the class before ending with a short relaxation.  Please feel free to bring your own blanket for this part of the class.

Caroline runs her classes in blocks of six £60 or you find it hard to commit to a weekly class you can come on a drop in price of £13.  All classes are small in numbers and it is therefore advisable to book.