Intuitive Body Therapies

I have created my own unique treatment called Intuitive Body Therapy, which allows me to provide a customised approach, looking at your full health picture, and being guided by my extensive years of practice and intuition, I provide the best treatment for you.  First appointments are 90 mins, with follow ups being 75 mins, and can combine any of the following therapies.  I have found this way of working to be particularly helpful for those who are new to Holistic Therapies and don’t quite know what treatments they are looking to have, you will often get to try a good variety of things, and you may settle on some favourites in the end or simply love being able to turn up and not know what treatment you will receive.  Intuitive Body Therapies also work very well for those who have a multitude of things going on, as sometimes a massage may be needed but also maybe some emotional support for example that can be achieved with some Reiki.
Caroline will do a very in-depth consultation at your first appointment and will ensure you are only offered any treatments that you are comfortable to receive so there is no need to be concerned if you don’t like the idea of any of the treatment options.

Intuitive Body Therapies can incorporate any of the following: